How to calculate GPA of National University in Bangladesh and what is the GPA calculation system in National University?
You know, National University of Bangladesh publish the result in GPA system.
The previous system of publishing the result in the National University of Bangladesh based on Division/ Class system.
But now, the authority of NU in Bangladesh publish all academic course result in GPA system and for this reason, you must know what is the grading system in NU.
Actually, many students want to know, how NU authority prepared to result in GPA marks from any subject.
NU GPA Grading System Details
From this post, you will learn...
- GPA (Grade Point Average)
- CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)
- Numerical Grade (NG)
- Letter Grade (LG)
- Grade Point (GP) and others details.
So, here we are giving you details How to make course calculation or Year GPA calculation.
At First, the authority of NU transforms your number to Numerical Grade (NU) and then they transfer your number in Letter Grade (LG) and finally make your result in Grade Point (GP).

Pass Mark- 40. You must get 40.

Every student must attend the final exam to all subject, practical and also viva exam. You know pass mark is 40% and the grade of this mark is D Grade.
How National University make average grade point?
Grade point will be multiple to course with credit number to prepare GPA and CGPA. This system is running for every year. Finally, the grade point of all year will multiple with credit for getting final GPA.
See below an example for making GPA.
GPA = ∑PS (Total Point in a year ÷ ∑ CR (Total Credit in a Year)
= 64.00 ÷26=2.46
= 64.00 ÷26=2.46
You know, National University is one of the largest Universities in Bangladesh. Every student who will get GPA grade under C+ can approach to the improvement or retake the exam. Who fails in the final exam in a year will also approach to the improvement or retake examination and can increase their marks.
You will also find about this information from NU Website-
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