Aro Tuntuni O Aro Chotacchu by Muhammed Jafar Iqbal

Book Name: Aro tuntuni O aro Chotacchu
Writer Name: Muhammad Jafar Iqbal
Book Type: Novel

Aro Tuntuni O Aro Chotacchu by Muhammed Jafar Iqbal is Bangla novel written by the great science fiction writer Muhammad Jafar Iqbal.

It is the second book with Tuntuni & Chotacchu. The first book was named as tuntuni O Chotacchu. Both books have gotten great popularity.

Muhammad Jafar Iqbal is a widely known writer in Bangladesh. He is a professor of Shahjalal University of science and technology.

By the way, download the Bangla novel book titled Aro tuntuni O aro Chotacchu by Muhammed Jafar Iqbal and read in order to enjoy the story of this teenage novel. 

Check Out: First Book of this story: Tuntuni O Chotacchu by Muhammad Jafar Iqbal

Remarks: Reading book is always considered as a good virtue of human. For that reason, many famous persons have said that read as much as you can.

Reading Bangla book helps us to entertain, learn and think about Bangla.