Sondher Pore by Buddhadeb Guha

Sondher Pore by Buddhadeb Guha is a popular and great Bengali romantic novel which is written by Buddhadeb Guha.

When will you read this book, you will something new in this Bengali novel book.

The writer of this book is also a great and popular writer. Most of his writings contain romantic type story which enchanted readers in a romantic mode.

About The Author:
Buddhadeb Guha was born on 29 June 1936 and he is one of the best Bengali fiction writers.

He is also more popular for writing Bengali short stories and his novels and short stories are written characterized by their dreamy or romantic appeal.

His essays are also the best in quality and his essays provide some of the most beautiful renditions of travel in Bengal.

Buddhadeb Guha loved very much forest and nature and for this reason, you will find the background for many of his novels.

He has written many popular Bengali books and some of these books are...

About The Book:
If you read this book, you will find an amazing family bonding story.

In this book, you will find the first character is Batuma.

Gigi is the main controlling character in this novel. There is something happened in this family bondage.

By the way, if you read this book, you will find the wrong in this Bengali story.

So, download the Bengali novel book Sondher Pore by Buddhadeb Guha and Read Bengali book to enjoy!

Book Name: Sondher Pore
Writer: Buddhadeb Guha
Book Type: Novel/ Romantic Novel

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